Hilbert's Tenth Problem


The ultimate goal of this bibliography would be to contain references to all publications connected with the undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem. The hope is that at any moment the bibliography will contain at least 90% of such references.

Indications to omissions and errors (sent to vsemir@pdmi.ras.ru or H10P@logic.pdmi.ras.ru ) will be highly appreciated.

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Bibliography database is also available in the following forms:

A BibTeX bibliography file (120K)

A BibTeX style

An AMS-LaTeX file that can be used to print out the bibliography

A LaTeX file that can be used to print out the bibliography

A PostScript bibliography file (140K)

The bibliography is still under construction. The following development is foreseen now.

  1. To include references to Mathematical Reviews.
  2. To include AMS Subject Classification codes.
  3. To include cross-references to later papers

Also we plan to include the following classification of papers. At the upper level they will be divided into four categories

  1. Primary publications, i.e. those aimed at proving the undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem or related problems.
  2. Extensions , i.e. those papers, which use the undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem and the techniques developed for the proof of its undecidability in order to establish the undecidability of related problems that can be included into Hilbert's Tenth Problem in broader sense .
  3. Applications , i.e. those papers, which use the undecidability of Hilbert's Tenth Problem and the techniques developed for the proof of its undecidability in order to prove other theorems not related directly to Hilbert's Tenth Problem.
  4. Mentioning , i.e. papers, which mention Hilbert's Tenth Problem in some context.

Also, we hope that the hypertext version of this database will be available soon.

You can find another version of biblliography on Hilbert's Tenth Problem.

It is based on the original bibliography file prepared by D.M.Jones. In comparison with it our version also contains more recent references.

Back to the main index of the database on Hilbert's Tenth Problem.

Laboratory of Mathematical Logic at
St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics (POMI) of
Russian Academy of Sciences