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Useful notes

Joint Advanced
Student School 2004

Site in Germany


March 28 — April 9, 2004, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

JASS'2004 schedule. Draft.

28 March, Sunday
Arrival to St.Petersburg

29 March, Monday
10.00--10.15 Opening of JASS'2004 in Euler Institute (EIMI) (all participants)
10.15--13.00 Talks at EIMI
13.15--13.45 Moving to the university (SPbSU)
14.00--15.00 Ceremony: Professor Ch. Zenger becomes
Doctor Honoris Causa
15.00--16.00 Meal at the university mensa
16.00--18.30 Sightseeing excursion, change of money
19.00--22:00 Welcome party at Euler Institute

30 March, Tuesday
9.00--13.40 Talks at EIMI and SPSU.
14.00--15:00 Lunch
15.00--18.00 Talks at EIMI and SPSU.
18.30--20.00 Dinner at "Lukomorye"

31 March, Wednesday
9.00--13:40 Talks at EIMI and SPSU.
14.00--15:00 Lunch.
15.00--17:00 Talks at EIMI.
15.30--17:00 Excursion to Kunstkamera for the group of prof. Koch.
17.30--19:00 Excursion to Shalyapin museum for the others.
19.00--20.00 Dinner at "Parliament"
19-00--21-00 Philarmonia & other cultural events.

9.30--13.30 Excursion to Hermitage.
14.00--15:00 Lunch.
15.00--17.20 Talks at EIMI and SPSU.
17.30--18.20 Dinner at "Parliament"
19.00--22:00 Ballet evening & other cultural events.

02 April, Friday
9.30--13:15 Department of Management (all participants).
13.30--14.30 Lunch at the university mensa.
14.30--19:15 Department of Management.
17.30--18.20 Dinner at ???
19.00--21:00 Philarmonia, visit to Orthodox Church & other events.

03 April, Saturday
9.30--13:15 Department of Management.
13.30--14.30 Lunch at the university mensa.
15.00--17:00 Department of Management.
17.30--22:00 JASS party

04 April, Sunday
9.30--16:00 Excursion to suburb (Ekaterininsky palace in Pushkin)
16.00--22:00 Different activities including Russian
"banya", opera in Mariinsky and Jazz Hall.
Dinner at different places.

05 April, Monday
9.00--13:40 Talks at EIMI and SPbSU
14.00--15:00 Lunch
15.00--18.00 Talks at EIMI and SPbSU
18.30--20.00 Dinner at "Lukomorye"
Evening for songs and music.

06 April, Tuesday
9.00--13:40 Talks at EIMI and SPbSU
14.00--15:00 Lunch
15.00--19:00 Shopping, sightseeing
19.00--22:00 Departure party at EIMI

07 April, Wednesday
9.30 Closure of JASS'2004 in EIMI
11.00 Excursion to another suburb (Konstanitinovsky palace), lunch
18.00 Arrival to the airport.

This page is maintained by Yury Lifshits, one of the local organisers of school. WWW page last updated on Monday, 15th of March 2004.