UnitWalk 0.98 source code distribution
(implementation with added
incremental 2SAT algorithm
[Zheng, Stuckey, 2003]
and combined with
[Selman, Kautz, Cohen, 1994],
submitted to
SAT Competition 2002
[Last bugfix 10.03.2002]
UnitWalk 0.981 source code distribution
(implementation with added
incremental 2SAT algorithm
[Zheng, Stuckey, 2003]
and combined with
[Selman, Kautz, Cohen, 1994],
submitted to
SAT Competition 2003)
[Last bugfix 09.07.2007]
UnitWalk 1.003 source code distribution
(highly optimized on huge formulas implementation with Watched Literals
Madigan, Zhao, Zhang, Malik, 2001] and combined with WalkSAT
[Selman, Kautz, Cohen, 1994],
submitted to
SAT Competition 2004)
[Last bugfix 07.04.2004]
E. A. Hirsch, A. Kojevnikov, UnitWalk: A new SAT solver that uses local search guided by unit clause elimination. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 43(1-4):91-111, 2005.
Preliminary version appeared as PDMI preprint 09/2001, Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg. Electronic address: ftp://ftp.pdmi.ras.ru/pub/publicat/preprint/2001/09-01.ps.gz. A shorter (but more updated) version of this preprint appeared in the electronic proceedings of SAT-2002.
Edward A. Hirsch and Arist Kojevnikov, Solving Boolean satisfiability using local search guided by unit clause elimination. 7th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'01), November 2001.