Sergey Nikolenko

Sergey Nikolenko

Main page

Research papers
Talks and posters
Popular science
Other stuff

CS and crypto
Machine learning
Algebraic geometry
Bayesian networks
Earth sciences

Game Theory, HSE
Mech. Design, HSE
ML, CSClub Kazan
Game theory, HSE
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, STC
Machine learning, AU
Discrete math, HSE
Machine learning, STC
Math. logic, AU
Cryptography, AU
Machine learning, STC
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning II, AU
Machine learning, AU
Machine learning, EMC
Cryptography, AU
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, AU
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, AU
Cryptography, AU
Crypto in CS Club
Machine learning, AU
Speech recognition
MD for CS Club
ML for CS Club
Mechanism design
Machine Learning
Probabilistic learning

  External links
Google Scholar profile
DBLP profile
LiveJournal account
userinfonikolenko (in Russian)

Bayesian networks

Bio excerpt

This I was doing under the supervision of Dr. Alexander L. Tulupyev. Classical Bayesian belief networks do not allow for directed cycles, while these cycles may actually occur. We have been trying to devise a formalism to deal with directed cycles, and it turned out that it was pretty much covered by the so-called algebraic Bayesian networks which Dr. Tulupyev had been developing for over 10 years. I also joined him in this work. We had only one publication in English (at MICAI-2005), although there are plenty of results published in Russian, and a book on Bayesian networks has been published.

The three Russian papers listed below contain a concise exposition of latest (by 2006) results in algebraic bayesian networks; for a larger picture, see the book.


We have published a book entitled «Bayesian Networks: a Probabilistic Logic Approach». It was printed in 2006 by the Nauka publishing house with support of an RFBR grant.

You can buy this book at


  1. A.L. Tulupyev, S.I. Nikolenko. Directed Cycles in Bayesian Belief Networks: Probabilistic Semantics and Consistency Checking Complexity. MICAI-2005 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 3789, 2005, pp. 214-223. (.pdf, 347kb)
  2. A.L. Tulupyev, A.V. Sirotkin, S.I. Nikolenko. Coordinated estimates of probabilities of statements in intellectual informational systems. Priborostroenie, no. 7, 2006, pp. 20-26 (.pdf, 4136kb, in Russian)
  3. A.L. Tulupyev, S.I. Nikolenko, D.A. Nikitin, A.V. Sirotkin. A posteriori estimates of statement probabilities in intellectual informational systems: deterministic case. Priborostroenie, no. 11, 2006, pp. 35-39.
  4. A.L. Tulupyev, S.I. Nikolenko, A.V. Sirotkin. A posteriori probability estimates with probabilistic evidence in intellectual informational systems with interval probabilities. Priborostroenie, no. 11, 2006, pp. 39-44.
  5. A.L. Tulupyev, S.I. Nikolenko, A.V. Sirotkin. Bayesian Networks: A Probabilistic Logic Approach. St.-Petersburg, Nauka, 2006. (two first pages of the book: .pdf, 815kb, in Russian,