Internet Curriculum vita of Yuri MATIYASEVICH

(Last updated on April 16, 2000) 

I was born on March 2, 1947 in Leningrad, now (and originally) St.Petersburg.

I had the lucky chance to go to two very good schools with extra emphasis on mathematics and physics:

These are our family schools: my wife Nina graduated from the latter, and my daughter Dasha graduated from the former in 1996.

Being a schoolboy, I successfully participated in Leningrad (1960-1963), Moscow (1964) and All-Union (1961-1964) Mathematical
Olympiads. In 1964 I have got first prize at the Sixth International Mathematical Olympiad hold in Moscow.

In 1969 I graduated from Deparment of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad State University.

I continued my study at LOMI, Leningrad Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics. Now I work there as the Head of Laboratory of Mathematical logic.

I have written more than 60 papers and one book. My co-authors were Luc Boasson, William W.BoonePatrick Cegielski,  D.J.Collins,  Martin Davis,  Anatolii Degtyarev,  Volker Diekert,  Boris Fedotov, Irène Guessarian,   Richard K.Guy (thanks to him my Erdös number is equal to 2),  James P.JonesAnca MuschollDenis RichardJulia Robinson, Géraud Sénizerguez,  Andrei Terekhov,  Andrei Voronkov.

My doctoral thesis was devoted to the negative solution of Hilbert's tenth Problem which is one of the 23 problems posed by David Hilbert in his famous lecture "Mathematische Probleme".

My book about the 10th problem, "Desyataya problema Gilberta", was published originally in 1993 in Russian by NAUKA Publisher, Moscow.
Its English translation was published under the title "Hilbert's tenth problem" in 1993 by The MIT Press, Boston, the USA in the series Foundations of Computing.
In 1995 French translation of my book was published under the title "Le dixième problème de Hilbert. Son indécidabilité" by MASSON Editeur, France.

In 1996 I was awarded the title Docteur Honoris Causa   de l'Université d'Auvergne, France.

In 1997 I was elected correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1998 I was granted Humboldt Research Award to Foreign Scholars.

I am membre associe of LLAIC, Laboratoire de Logique, Algorithmique et Informatique de Clermont 1, France.

I am member of:

My membership in Editorial and Advisory Boards:
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