General mathematics seminar

February 5, 2015. Bruno Buchberger (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria). Symbolic Computation: A Personal View on the Future of Mathematics.

In this talk I will give an overview on the main ideas of my "Theorema" approach to mathematics, which reflects my view on mathematics that evolved over my life as a mathematician ("from 17 to 71"):

This is the reason why approximately in the middle of the 1990-ies I launched the Theorema Project. In the talk, I will give an overview on the current state of the project, which — due to my many services for "society" that took lots of my time — is not yet at a stage which is satisfactory. However, I hope I will be able to explain a few highlights and to draw a picture from which the avenues to the future can be guessed. For this, as an example I will show how, within Theorema, the essential point of algorithmic Gröbner bases method can be invented automatically. Of course, Theorema is just one in a group of research projects that pursue the automation of mathematics. I am very optimistic, nervous, and excited to enjoy the dawn of a new era of mathematics that will put mathematics right into the center of modern society in a tangible, natural, artistic and surprising way.

List of talks at previous sessions of the seminar.