St.Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics (POMI)

General Mathematics Seminar

Current year 1996 1995

Sessions of the seminar in 1997

December 18, 1997. O.Ya.Viro. The Alexander polynomial, its quantum analoques and 4-manifolds.

December 11, 1997. M.L.Gromov (IHES, France). Endomorphisms of infinite-dimensional algebraic spaces.

October 16, 1997. A joint meeting with the St.Petersburg Mathematical Society dedicated to V.I.Arnold's 60th anniversary.
V.I.Arnold (Moscow). Topological questions of wave propagation.

October 15, 1997. A joint meeting with the seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems dedicated to V.I.Arnold's 60th anniversary.

September 8, 1997. L.D.Faddeev. What do we know about solitons in higher dimensions?

May 12, 1997. L.A.Khalfin. Quantum theory of the unstable particles and Relativity.

April 21, 1997. G.A.Seregin. Mathematical problems of dynamics of generalized Newtonial fluids.

March 20, 1997. M.I.Gordin. Homoclinic structures in hyperbolic dynamics.

February 17, 1997. S.V.Kerov. Big symmetric groups, and related problems in analysis, probability and combinatorics.

Current year 1996 1995

General mathematics seminar: main index.

This page is maintained by Maxim Vsemirnov, the secretary of the seminar.
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