Recommended hotels

Here is the list of recommended hotels and hostels for all types of budgets.

Please note that all prices specified here are approximate and are subject to final confirmation by the hotel.

We also placed all accommodations on the map with colors corresponding to accommodation types. Hotels within walking distance are green, hotels reachable by Metro are red, venue is white.

To avoid uncertainty, participants are advised to apply for a visa as early as possible.

Recommended Hotels within walking distance

Mercure Arbat
Availability of private rooms: Business - about 250 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Smolenskaya Ploshad, 6.

Arbat Hotel
Availability of private rooms: Business - about 180 (Single) and 240 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Plotnikov Pereulok, 12.

Kebur Palace
Availability of private rooms: Business - about 220 (Single) and 280 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Ostozhenka street, 32.

Bagration Hotel
Availability of private rooms: Business - about 120 (Single) and 130 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Sechenovsky Pereulok, 7A.

Hotel Warsaw
Availability of private rooms: about 150 (Single) 170 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Leninsky Prospect, 2/1.
Use promo code CPM2014 to get 5% discount

Recommended Hotels reachable by Metro

Holiday Inn
Availability of private rooms: Business - about 75 (1 large bed) Euro/room
Location: Rusakovskaya Street, 24.

Kitay-Gorod Hotel
Availability of private rooms: Business - about 140 (Single) 160 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Lubyansky Proezd, 25-2.

Recommended Student/Budget Accommodation

Hotel People
Availability of private rooms: about 60 (Single) and 80 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Novinsky Boulevard, 11.
Use promo code 82962678 to get 10% discount.

FABRIKA hostel
Availability of private rooms: about 13 (Dorm) and 45 (Double) Euro/room
Location: Bersenevskiy pereulok, 5.
Use promo code HSECLUB to get 15% discount. Booking by email:

HSE Guesthouse

Availability of private rooms: about 50 (Single) Euro/room

Location: Vavilova str., 7.

To book, please contact the organizers: