
The conference will be held in a hybrid format. The online part will use Webex video conference software. If you want to obtain the link, please send a request with your name and affiliation to The topic should be "007w conference link"

The abstracts for the invited talks are listed here

The proceedings are available at (LNCS 12730) in free access till July 21st.

All times are given in Moscow time zone (UTC+3).

Monday, June 28
Session 1: Opening and best paper. Chair: Daniil Musatov
14:00–14:50 50 min Registration and hardware testing
14:50–15:00 10 min Welcome remarks
15:00–16:00 1 hour OPENING LECTURE: Tim Roughgarden (Columbia University, USA), "How Computer Science Informs Modern Auction Design"
16:00–16:30 30 min BEST PAPER and BEST STUDENT PAPER: Pranjal Dutta, Real tau-Conjecture for sum-of-squares: A unified approach to lower bound and derandomization
16:30–17:00 30 min Coffee break
Session 2: Algebraic complexity and combinatorics of words. Chair: Alexander Razborov
17:00–17:30 30 min Prasad Chaugule, Variants of the Determinant Polynomial and the VP-completeness (joint work with Nutan Limaye and Shourya Pandey)
17:30–18:00 30 min Purnata Ghosal, Limitations of Sums of Bounded Read Formulas and ABPs (joint work with Raghavendra Rao B V)
18:00–18:30 30 min Klaus Meer, A PCP of proximity for Real Algebraic Polynomials
18:30–19:00 30 min Augusto Modanese, Lower Bounds and Hardness Magnification for Sublinear-Time Shrinking Cellular Automata
19:00–19:30 30 min Olga Parshina, On closed-rich words (joint work with Svetlana Puzynina)
Tuesday, June 29
Session 3: Games and boolean functions. Chair: Alexey Milovanov
14:00–15:00 1 hour INVITED TALK: Edith Elkind (University of Oxford, UK), "United for Change: Deliberative Coalition Formation to Change the Status Quo"
15:00–15:30 30 min Vaibhav Krishan, Upper Bound for Torus Polynomials
15:30–16:00 30 min Nikolay Proskurin, On Separation between the Degree of a Boolean Function and the Block Sensitivity
16:00–16:30 30 min Coffee break
Session 4: Combinatorics. Chair: Alexei Savvateev
16:30–17:30 1 hour INVITED TALK: Joel Spencer (New York University, USA), Balancing Problems: A Fourfold Approach
17:30–18:00 30 min Yekun Xu, A Generalization of a Theorem of Rothschild and van Lint (joint works with Ning Xie and Shuai Xu)
18:00–18:30 30 min Zuguang Gao, Approximation Schemes for Multiperiod Binary Knapsack Problems (joint work with John R. Birge and Varun Gupta)
18:30–19:30 1 hour Business meeting
Wednesday, June 30
Session 5: Approximation. Chair: Alexander Smal
14:00–14:30 30 min Vladimir Shenmaier, Approximation and Complexity of the Capacitated Geometric Median Problem
14:30–15:00 30 min Zeev Nutov, Approximation algorithms for connectivity augmentation problems
15:00–15:30 30 min Zeev Nutov, On rooted k-connectivity problems in quasi-bipartite digraphs
15:30–16:30 1 hour INVITED TALK: Jens Vygen (University of Bonn, Germany), "Traveling Salesman Problems: Approximation Algorithms and Black-Box Reductions"
16:30–17:00 30 min Coffee break
Session 6: Logic and formal languages. Chair: Daniil Musatov
17:00–18:00 1 hour INVITED TALK: Ugo dal Lago (University of Bologna, Italy), "On Differential Program Semantics"
18:00–18:30 30 min Alexander Okhotin, Input-driven pushdown automata on well-nested infinite strings (joint work with Victor Selivanov)
18:30–19:00 30 min Pablo Rotondo, Analysis of an efficient reduction algorithm for random regular expressions based on universality detection (joint work with Florent Koechlin)
19:00–19:30 30 min Paweł Parys, Shelah-Stupp's and Muchnik's Iterations Revisited
Thursday, July 1
Session 7: Games and interactions. Chair: Daniil Musatov
14:00–14:30 30 min Daiki Miyahara, A Secure Three-input AND Protocol with a Standard Deck of Minimal Cards (joint work with Hiroto Koyama, Takaaki Mizuki and Hideaki Sone)
14:30–15:30 1 hour INVITED TALK: Hugo Gimbert (LaBRI, Bordeaux, France), Two-Sided Random Matching Markets
15:30–16:00 30 min Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Computational Complexity of Multi-Player Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (joint work with Manon Blanc)
16:00–16:30 30 min Markus Holzer, On the Computational Complexity of Reaction Systems, Revisited (joint work with Christian Rauch)
16:30–17:00 30 min Coffee break
Session 8: Various topics in complexity I. Chair: Nikolay Vereshchagin
17:00–18:00 1 hour INVITED TALK: Merav Parter (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel), Resilient Distributed Computation
18:00–18:30 30 min Svetlana Selivanova, Bit-Complexity of Systems of Linear Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations (joint work with Ivan Adrian Koswara, Gleb Pogudin and Martin Ziegler)
18:30–19:00 30 min Xuangui Huang, Average-case rigidity lower bounds (joint work with Emanuele Viola)
19:00–19:30 30 min Ridwan Syed, Upper Bounds on Communication in terms of Approximate Rank (joint work with Anna Gal)
Friday, July 2
Session 9: Graphs and Randomness. Chair: Dmitry Sokolov
14:00–15:00 1 hour INVITED TALK: Amin Coja-Oghlan (Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany), "Belief Propagation"
15:00–15:30 30 min Johan M. M. van Rooij, A Generic Convolution Algorithm for Join Operations on Tree Decompositions
15:30–16:00 30 min Anuj Tawari, Dynamic Complexity of Expansion (joint work with Samir Datta and Yadu Vasudev)
16:00–16:30 30 min Siani Smith, Injective Colouring for H-Free Graphs (joint work with Jan Bok, Nikola Jedličková, Barnaby Martinand Daniel Paulusma)
16:30–17:00 30 min Coffee break
Session 10: Various topics in complexity II. Chair: Edward Hirsch
17:00–18:00 1 hour INVITED TALK: Toniann Pitassi (University of Toronto, Canada), How Hard is it to Refute a Random Unsatisfiable Formula?
18:00–18:30 30 min Austen Z. Fan, Dichotomy Result on 3-Regular Bipartite Non-negative Functions (joint work with Jin-Yi Cai)
18:30–19:00 30 min Shuo Pang, Large clique is hard on average for resolution
19:00–19:30 30 min Alexey Milovanov, Predictions and algorithmic statistics for infinite sequences