For UCSD students
Math 10C (Calculus III)
- Practice Midterm 1. Lectures 1-8
- Solutions to Practice Midterm 1. Lectures 1-8
The textbook for this course is: James Stewart, Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th edition (Enhanced with Webassign)
Student's cumulative average will be computed by taking the maximum of these two grading schemes:
- 10% Homework, 25% Midterm I, 25% Midterm II, 40% Final Exam
- 10% Homework, 30% maximum of Midterm I and Midterm II, 60% Final Exam
Teaching + Learning Commons, Academic Achievement Hub with your Department support, will be offering Supplemental Instruction (SI) and Content Drop-in Tutoring for this class.
SI sessions will begin meeting on Monday, October 1st. Typically, SI sessions meet three (3) times a week for 50 minutes each time. See the website for more information
Content Drop-in Tutoring will begin on Monday also. The general tutoring hours are 12pm - 7pm on Mondays through Fridays, and online Saturday and Sundays. This schedule varies by course, so it is recommended that students check the website before coming in. See the website for more information
Homework is a very important part of the course and in order to fully master the topics it is essential that you work carefully on every assignment and try your best to complete every problem.
Your total homework score will be based on the total possible homework points available. After each homework you can complete an optional online HW review highlighting key concepts. If you complete the questionnaire for an assignment and that assignment is your lowest homework score, that score will be dropped from your homework average.
Homework must be done alone! For homework help, consult your textbook, class notes, lecturer, and TAs. It is considered a violation of the policy on academic integrity to:
- look or ask for answers to homework problems in other texts or sources, including the internet, or to
- discuss the homework problems with anyone (unless you are in office hours with someone from the instructional team).
The Piazza forum for our class where questions can be posted and answered. It is a very helpful resource!
Office Hours
5880A, AP&M building,
- Monday: 4-5 PM;
- Wednesday: 4-5 PM;
- Friday: 3:30-4:30 PM
Teaching assistants
Hui Tan,
5412, AP&M building,-
Thursday: 2-4 PM
Thursday: 2-4 PM
John Jacobsen,
b412, AP&M building,- Friday 11 AM-1 PM
Qinzhuo Gong,
5218, AP&M building,- Monday: 3-4 PM,
- Tuesdays 8-9 PM,
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
September 23 | September 24 | September 25 | September 26 | September 27 |
September 28
9.1 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems
September 29 |
September 30 |
October 01
9.2 Vectors
October 02 |
October 03
9.3 The Dot Product
October 04
October 05
9.3 The Dot Product
October 06 |
October 07 |
October 08
9.4 The Cross Product
October 09 |
October 10
9.4 The Cross Product
October 11
October 12
9.5 Equations of Lines and Plane Planes
October 13 |
October 14 |
October 15
10.1 Vector Functions and Space Curves
October 16 |
October 17
Catch up Review
October 18
October 19
Midterm I
October 20 |
October 21 |
October 22
10.2 Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions
October 23 |
October 24
11.1 Functions of Several Variables
October 25
October 26
11.3 Partial Derivatives
October 27 |
October 28 |
October 29
11.3 Partial Derivatives
October 30 |
October 31
11.4 Tangent Plane and Linear Approximations
November 01
November 02
11.4, 11.5 Tangent Plane and Linear Approximations, The Chain Rule
November 03 |
November 04 |
November 05
11.5 The Chain Rule
November 06 |
November 07
11.6 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector
November 08
November 09
11.6 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector
November 10 |
November 11 |
November 12
Veterans Day
November 13 |
November 14
Catch up Review
November 15
November 16
Midterm II
November 17 |
November 18 |
November 19
11.7 Maximum and Minimum Values
November 20 |
November 21
11.7 Maximum and Minimum Values
November 22
November 23
November 24 |
November 25 |
November 26
11.8 Lagrange Multipliers
November 27 |
November 28
11.8 Lagrange Multipliers
November 29
November 30
12.1 Double Integrals over Rectangles
December 01 |
December 02 |
December 03
12.1 Double Integrals over Rectangles
December 04 |
December 05
12.2 Iterated Integrals
December 06
December 07
Catch up Review
December 08 |
December 09 |
December 10
Final Exam
December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 |