For UCSD students
Math 18 (Linear Algebra)
- Lecture 1. Systems of Linear Equations
- Lecture 2. Row Reduction and Echelon Forms
- Lecture 3. Vector Equations
- Lecture 4. Matrix equation Ax = b
- Quiz 1. Lectures 1-3
- Lecture 5. Solution sets
- Lecture 6. Linear independence
- Lecture 7. Linear transformations
- Quiz 2. Lectures 4-6
- Lecture 8. Matrix operations
- Lecture 9. Catch up Review
- Midterm 1. Lectures 1-8
- Lecture 10. Inverse of a matrix
- Lecture 11. Vector spaces and subspaces
- Lecture 12. Null spaces and column spaces
- Quiz 3. Lectures 9-11
- Lecture 13. Linear independent sets; bases
- Lecture 14. Dimension of a vector space & Rank
- Lecture 15. Dimension of a vector space & Rank
- Quiz 4. Lectures 12-14
- Lecture 16. Change of basis
- Lecture 17. Determinants
- Lecture 18. Determinants and volume
- Lecture 19. Catch up Review
- Midterm 2. Lectures 9-19
- Lecture 20. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
- Quiz 5. Lectures 21-24
- Lecture 25. Catch up Review
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 5th edition, by David C. Lay; published by Pearson (Addison Wesley) This is the textbook available at the UC San Diego bookstore. If you choose to purchase it elsewhere, be aware that you need MyMathLab access, which is included with the bookstore version of the textbook (but not with all versions). Note: you may also forego the physical textbook and just purchase a MyMathLab access code directly from MyMathLab the first time you login (see TritonEd below); this includes access to the ebook version of the textbook.
The final exam and the two midterm exams will count the most, 35% for the final, and 20% for each of the two midterms. The quizzes and lab assignments, and homeworks, and will each count for about 5 to 10% of the course grade. (Percentages are only approximate and are subject to minor changes.)
Although the percentages for homework assignments, quizzes and labs are low, they are a required part of the course. If you completely omit doing the Matlab assignments, for instance, then your grade may be reduced beyond the indicated percentage.
Homework is a very important part of the course and in order to fully master the topics it is essential that you work carefully on every assignment and try your best to complete every problem. We will have online homework.
Online homework will be assigned through MyMathLab and will be accessible via TritonEd, as indicated below. Your total homework score will be based on the total possible homework points available; no homework assignment scores will be dropped at the end of the quarter. You will be allowed an unlimited number of attempts up to the due date to complete each problem correctly.
Instructions how to enroll to MyMathLab you may find on the follwoing link: www.math.ucsd.edu/~aknop/ucsd/18/2017/files/fdoc.pdf.
Quizzes are another significant part of the course. We will have them in the last ten minutes of each Friday lectures (except the first and the last one) and they will cover the last Friday, Monday, and Wednesday's material.
You may find all information relevant to the MATLAB component of Math 18 by the following link: http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~math18/.
The Piazza forum for our class where questions can be posted and answered. It is a very helpful resource!
We will use TritonEd for two purposes in this class: to disseminate grades, and as a portal to MyMathLab, the online homework system associated to the textbook, through which you will submit your homework. In the course page on TritonEd, you can click on MyLab in the right tab. There you will see links to Pearson MyMathLab. The first time you login, you will be prompted to create an account with Pearson, and then enter the access code that came with your textbook (or you may purchase one here). This is a one-time procedure; after that every time you login will give you direct access to MyMathLab. There you will find all currently available homework assignments, along with their listed due dates. You will also have access to the ebook version of the textbook here (for the lifetime of the current edition).
Office Hours
5880B, AP&M building,
- Monday 5pm - 6pm,
- Thursday 4pm - 5pm,
- Friday 12am - 1pm.
Teaching assistants
Pooja Chandra,
Mayer 5722,- Tuesday: 1pm - 3pm
Chen Lai,
AP&M 2313,- Tuesday: 10am - 11am
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Sarurday |
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