Chapter 1 - General provisions.
Article 1.1. Russian Chapter of European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (henceforth referred to as RCEATCS) is a non-profit organisation that has objectives stated in this statute. The statute is written in Russian and in English, both versions having the same power. RCEATCS is a part of European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (henceforth referred to as EATCS).
Article 1.2. The objectives of RCEATCS are promoting and encouraging research, publishing, education, meetings related to theoretical computer science, explaining and communicating traditions and current developments of theoretical computer science to other scientists, authorities and the general public. RCEATCS also intends to cooperate with other associations in the field of theoretical computer science and related fields.
Article 1.3. In order to achieve its objectives, RCEATCS
- organises symposia, conferences, workshops, seminars,
- takes part in meetings organised by EATCS and third parties,
- organises lecture courses and other educational activity,
- takes part in scientific publishing activity,
- establishes awards and fellowships,
- communicates with other associations and individual scientists.
RCEATCS may have a seal, a blank, a logo and other attributes.
Article 1.4. RCEATCS discloses its activity through the internet and other media.
Article 1.5. The ruling bodies of RCEATCS are the General Assembly, the Council and the President, as described in Chapter 3 of this statute.
Chapter 2 - Membership. Ties with EATCS.
Article 2.1. Membership in RCEATCS implies membership in EATCS. A person who terminates their membership in EATCS, thereby terminates their membership in RCEATCS simultaneously. Once the membership in EATCS is renewed, their membership in RCEATCS is renewed as well.
Article 2.2. All questions concerning paying and spending dues are resolved by agreement between the Council of Russian Chapter and the Council of EATCS.
Article 2.3. This statute and amendments to it must be approved by EATCS. The President and Vice President of RCEATCS must be approved by EATCS.
Article 2.4. To become a member of RCEATCS, an individual must fulfil the following requirements:
2.4.1. Be a member of EATCS.
2.4.2. Present a brief recommendation letter from two members of RCEATCS or one member of the Council or publish at least one paper in a series sponsored by EATCS or RCEATCS, including the International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR).
2.4.3. Support the objectives of RCEATCS.
The recommendation letters, the list of publications, and a brief CV must be submitted to the public relations officer of RCEATCS electronically. The Council approves the membership.
Chapter 3 - Ruling Bodies and Other Officials.
Article 3.1. The ruling bodies of RCEATCS are the General Assembly, the Council, and the President. The Council consists of the President, the Vice President and the Public Relations officer. In the case RCEATCS becomes numerous enough to need a larger Council, the General Assembly may increase its size.
Article 3.2. The General Assembly includes all members of RCEATCS. Its votes are organised either during meetings or by electronic means. In order for a vote to be valid, strictly greater than 20% of all members must take part in it. The decision is supported
- if strictly greater than 50% of all current members voted in favour, in case of votes modifying this statute or dissolution of RCEATCS,
- if there are more votes in favour than votes against, of those who take part in the vote, in case of other votes.
Article 3.3.
The President, Vice President, the Public Relations officer and all other members of the Council (if any)
are elected by the General Assembly by secret ballots either during a meeting or electronically for a 4 year term each. Each member of the Council is to be replaced when his/her term has expired or terminated by the General Assembly or he/she is unable or is not willing to serve anymore. In that case the elections of the new Council's member must be called by the Council within a month. Candidates can be nominated by any member,
a candidate must agree to serve in the Council prior to the vote.
The ballot includes all nominated candidates who have agreed to serve in the Council. Each member of RCEATCS receives one ballot, and can vote for any non-negative number of candidates.
The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes is elected to the Council.
The election outcome is considered valid if strictly greater than 20% members did cast their ballots.
In case of a tie, the current Council selects one of the tied candidates.
Article 3.4. The Vice President and President of RCEATCS are approved by EATCS. In the case of non-approval of
a newly elected person new elections are to be called within a month.
Article 3.5. The Council
- approves new members of RCEATCS,
- organises meetings of the General Assembly and its electronic votes,
- formulates the point of view of RCEATCS to EATCS and third parties, be it a point of view on financial questions, organisational questions or any questions related to the objectives of RCEATCS,
- maintains the web site of RCEATCS,
- calls for votes of the General Assembly for all other questions related to the objectives of RCEATCS including, but not limited to, organisation of meetings, establishment of awards, etc.
Article 3.6. The President of RCEATCS
- communicates the point of view of RCEATCS, formulated according to Article 3.5, to EATCS and third parties,
- calls elections of new members of the Council.
Article 3.7. The Vice President of RCEATCS
- performs the duties of the President of RCEATCS in the case where the President of RCEATCS is unable to perform their duties or on request of the President of RCEATCS.
Article 3.8. The public relations officer of RCEATCS
- communicates the point of view of RCEATCS, formulated according to Article 3.5, to EATCS and third parties,
- receives external communication and relates it to appropriate bodies of RCEATCS.
Article 3.9.
The following decisions are under exclusive jurisdiction of the General Assembly:
- modifying this statute
- dissolution of RCEATCS
- electing the President, the Vice President, the Public Relations officer and all other members of the Council
- premature termination of powers of the President, Vice President, the Public Relations officer and all other members of the Council.
All the other decisions may be made by both the General Assembly and the Council.
Chapter 4 - Initial provisions.
Article 4.1. The initial members of RCEATCS are those members of EATCS that hold Russian affiliations and wish to be included in RCEATCS, as of December 24, 2014, namely,
Maxim Babenko (Higher School of Economics),
Ivan Bliznets (St.Petersburg Academic University),
Vladimir Gusev (Ural Federal University),
Edward A. Hirsch (Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg),
Alexander Kulikov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg),
Yuri Matiyasevich (Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg),
Daniil Musatov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology),
Andrei P. Nemytykh (Institute of Programming Systems, Pereslavl),
Vladimir Podolskii (Steklov Mathematical Institute),
Elena Pribavkina (Ural Federal University),
Andrei Romashchenko (Institute for Information Transmission Problems),
Alexander Rubtsov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology),
Ruslan Savchenko (Yandex),
Alexander Shen (Institute for Information Transmission Problems),
Nikolay Vereshchagin (Moscow State University),
Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University),
Mikhail Vyalyi (Dorodnicyn Computing Center of RAS),
Mansur Ziatdinov (Kazan Federal University).
Article 4.2. Initial terms of the Council's members are the following: the President - 2 years, the Vice President - 3 years,
the Public Relations officer - 4 years, so that each year at most one of them is replaced.
Article 4.3. The ties (if any) occurred during the election of the initial Council of RCEATCS are resolved by extra voting.
Article 4.4. The first elections are called by the members of Statute Committee
composed of Alexander Rubtsov, Nikolay Vereshchagin (chair), Mikhail Vyalyi and Mansur Ziatdinov.
Chapter 5 - Final provisions.
Article 5.1. Amendments to this statute and dissolution of RCEATCS can be made solely by the General Assembly of RCEATCS according to Article 3.2 of this statute.