The interest to the tree M11
is due to the fact that it
is the only (up to symmetry) tree
edge rotation group of which is Matieu group M11.
This was proved by
N.M.Adrianov, Yu.Yu.Kochetkov, A.D.Suvorov
and G.B.Shabat
- Matieu groups and plane trees (in Russian)
Fundamental'naya i prikladnaya
matematika, 1(2):377-384, 1995;
- correction: ibid, 2(1):317, 1996
The polynomial was published in
Yuri Matiyasevich
Computer calculation of generalized
Tchebyshev polynomials (in Russian)
Vestnik MGU, 6:59-61, 1996
Originally, the polynomial was found
calculating the coefficient first numerically.
(linear equivalent) polynomial for tree M11
was found symbolically by
N.M.Adrianov, and G.B.Shabat
- Unicellular Cartography and Galois Orbits of Plane Trees
to appear
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