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St.Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics (POMI)

General Mathematics Seminar

Current year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

Sessions of the seminar in 2006

December 18, 2006. Nikita Markaryan. Tensor categories and WDVV equation.

November 13, 2006. Pavel Mnev. Simplicial BF-theory.

November 2, 2006. V.V.Voevodin. At sources of a new science.

October 23, 2006. B.L.Feigin (Landau Institute and Independent University of Moscow). Constructions of "large" commutative subalgebras in tensor products of affine algebras.

October 16, 2006. Alexander Smirnov. A Riemann—Roch theorem for cohomology operations.

October 9, 2006. Dmitry Orlov (Moscow). Mirror symmetry from the mathematical point of view.

June 15, 2006. Valery Gritsenko. On the geometry of the moduli spaces of polarized K3 surfaces.

May 25, 2006. Jim Byrnes (Prometheus Inc.). Energy Spreading Polynomials.

May 18, 2006. Alexander Chistov. The Problem of Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations and Complexity Theory. The Survey of Results.

May 11, 2006. S. A. Yagunov (POMI and Universität Regensburg). On some topological invariants (a comparison of geometric and algebraic-geometric cases).

April 13, 2006. Nikolai Mnev. The combinatorial models for BO, BPL and a conjecture on smoothing of CD-manifolds.

April 6, 2006. Mihail Gavrilovich (Oxford). Model theory: from the exponential function to Kummer theory of fields.

March 30, 2006. Sergei Anisov (Utrecht University, the Netherlands). From Voronoi diagramms to the topology of geometric 3-dimensional manifolds.

Current year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

General mathematics seminar: main index.

This page is maintained by Alexei Pastor, the secretary of the seminar.
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