Sergey Nikolenko

Sergey Nikolenko

Main page

Research papers
Talks and posters
Popular science
Other stuff

CS and crypto
Machine learning
Algebraic geometry
Bayesian networks
Earth sciences

Game Theory, HSE
Mech. Design, HSE
ML, CSClub Kazan
Game theory, HSE
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, STC
Machine learning, AU
Discrete math, HSE
Machine learning, STC
Math. logic, AU
Cryptography, AU
Machine learning, STC
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning II, AU
Machine learning, AU
Machine learning, EMC
Cryptography, AU
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, AU
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, AU
Cryptography, AU
Crypto in CS Club
Machine learning, AU
Speech recognition
MD for CS Club
ML for CS Club
Mechanism design
Machine Learning
Probabilistic learning

  External links
Google Scholar profile
DBLP profile
LiveJournal account
userinfonikolenko (in Russian)

Teaching activities

Machine Learning at EMC

This is a course in machine learning presented in 2012 at the St. Petersburg office of EMC. The course is very similar to this one but goes a bit further; this page contains the slides for EMC presentations not included in the AU course (all slides are in Russian).

1. Prior distributions. Conjugate priors.
Slides (.pdf, 1025kb)
2. Graphical models and the message passing algorithm. Approximate inference.
Slides (.pdf, 1844kb)
3. Bayesian rating models, TrueSkill.
Slides (.pdf, 3118kb)
4. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. User behaviour models for click logs.
Slides (.pdf, 1360kb)
5. Sampling.
Slides (.pdf, 916kb)
6. Reinforcement learning.
Slides (.pdf, 1596kb)
7. Recommender systems.
Slides (.pdf, 1233kb)
Selected references
  1. Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, Information Science and Statistics series, 2006.
  2. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, 2nd ed., Springer, 2009.
  3. David J. C. MacKay. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2003.