Associated Workshops
Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology, CTCrypt
Organizers: Technical committee on standardization "Cryptography and security mechanisms" (TC26)Dates: June 5-6, 2014
Extremal graph theory
Organizer: A. RaigorodskyDates: June 6, 2014.
New directions in cryptography
Organizers: A.V. Mikhalev, A.A.Mikhalev, S.Glavatsky, D.Grigoriev and V.ShpilrainDates: June 12, 2014.
Program Semantics, Specification and Verification (PSSV 2014)
Organizers: V.A.Sokolov and V.A.NepomnyaschijDates: June 6, 2014
Call for Participation