Works under submission/preparation
- C. Daskalakis, N. Dikkala, N. Gravin.
Testing from One Sample: Is the casino really using a riffle shuffle?
- Y. Azar, M. Feldman, N. Gravin, A. Roytman.
Liquid Price of Anarchy
- N. Gravin, D. Pasechnik, B. Shapiro, M. Shapiro
On moments of a polytope.
Computer Science
- N. Gravin, Y. Peres, B. Sivan. (arxiv)
Tight Lower Bounds for Multiplicative Weights Algorithmic Families
Forthcoming, ICALP 2017.
- N. Gravin, N. Immorlica, B. Lucier, E. Pountourakis. (arxiv)
Procrastination with Variable Present Bias
p.361, ACM EC 2016.
- N. Gravin, Y. Peres, B. Sivan. (arxiv)
Towards Optimal Algorithms for Prediction with Expert Advice.
p. 528-547, SODA 2016.
- N. Chen, N. Gravin, P. Lu. (arxiv)
Competitive analysis via benchmark decomposition.
p. 363-376, EC 2015.
- M. Feldman, N Gravin, B. Lucier. (arxiv)
Combinatorial Auctions via Posted Prices.
p. 123--135, SODA 2015.
- I. Caragiannis, A. Fanelli, N. Gravin. (arxiv)
Short Sequences of Improvement Moves Lead to Approximate Equilibria in Constraint Satisfaction Games
p. 49--60, SAGT 2014.
Journal version accepted to Algorithmica
- N. Chen, N. Gravin, P. Lu
Optimal Competitive Auctions.
p. 253--262, STOC 2014.
- N. Chen, N. Gravin, P. Lu.
Truthful Generalized Assignments via Stable Matching.
Mathematics of Operations Research p. 722-736, v. 39, n. 3, 2014
- N. Gravin, P. Lu. (arxiv)
Competitive Auctions for Markets with Positive Externalities.
p. 569-580, ICALP 2013.
- M. Feldman, N Gravin, B. Lucier.
Combinatorial Walrasian Equilibrium
p. 61-70, STOC 2013.
Journal version to appear in SIAM Journal of Computing
- M. Feldman, Hu Fu, N Gravin, B. Lucier.
Simultaneous Auctions are (almost) Efficient
p. 201-210, STOC 2013.
(Invited to the special issue of Games and Economic Behavior)
- I. Caragiannis, A. Fanelli, N. Gravin, A. Skopalik.
Computing approximate pure Nash equilibria in congestion games.
p. 26-29, SIGecom Exchanges 2012.
- I. Caragiannis, A. Fanelli, N. Gravin, A. Skopalik.
Approximate Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games:
Existence, Efficient Computation, and Structure.
p.284-301, EC 2012.
(Invited to the special issue of ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation)
- X. Bei, N. Chen, N. Gravin, P. Lu
Budget Feasible Mechanism Design: From Prior-Free to Bayesian
p. 449-458, STOC 2012.
- I. Caragiannis, A. Fanelli, N. Gravin, A. Skopalik.
Efficient computation of approximate pure Nash equilibria in congestion games.
p. 532-541, FOCS 2011.
- J. Augustine, N. Chen, E. Elkind, A. Fanelli, N. Gravin, D. Shiryaev.
Dynamics of Profit-Sharing Games.
p. 37-42, IJCAI 2011.
- N. Chen, N. Gravin, P. Lu.
On the Approximability of Budget Feasible Mechanisms.
p. 685-699, SODA 2011.
- J. Augustine, N. Gravin.
On the Continuous CNN Problem.
p. 254-265, ISAAC 2010.
- N. Gravin.
Time optimal d-list colouring of a graph.
p. 156-168, CSR 2010.
- N. Chen, E. Elkind, N. Gravin, F. Petrov.
Frugal Mechanism Design via Spectral Techniques.
p. 755-764, FOCS 2010.
- N. Chen, E. Elkind and N. Gravin.
(pdf )
Refining the Cost of Cheap Labor in Set System Auctions.
p. 447-454, WINE 2009.
- N. Gravin, F. Petrov, D. Shiryaev, S. Robins
Poisson imitation of lattices and convex curves
Mathematika, v. 60, i. 01, pp. 139- 152, 2014.
- N. Gravin, M. Kolountzakis, S. Robins, D. Shiryaev.
Structure results for multiple tilings in 3D
Discrete and Computational Geometry. v. 50, i. 4, p. 1033-1050, 2013
- N. Gravin, S. Robins, D. Shiryaev.
Translational tilings by a polytope, with multiplicity.
Combinatorica, v. 32, i. 6 , p. 629-649, 2012.
- N. Gravin, J. Lasserre, D. Pasechnik, S. Robins
The inverse moment problem for convex polytopes.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, v. 48(3), p. 596-621, 2012.
- N. Gravin, D. Karpov.
On proper colorings of hypergraphs.
(Russian) Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI, v. 391, p. 79–89, 2011.
English translation in Journal of Mathematical Sciences v. 184, i. 5, p. 595-600.
- N. Chen, N. Gravin.
Note on Shortest k-Paths Problem.
Journal of Graph Theory. v. 67(1), p. 34-37, 2011.
- N. Gravin.
PDMI preprints)
Non-degenerate colorings in the Brook's theorem.
(in Russian) Diskretnay Matematika, v. 21-4, p. 106-128, 2009.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications.
- N. Gravin, D. Y. Shiryaev.
(.pdf in Russian,
translation in English)
Abnormal subgroups of classical groups corresponding to closed sets of roots
(Russian) Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, v. 365, p. 151-171, 2009.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, v. 161:4, p. 542-552, 2009.
- N. Gravin.
(pdf in Russian)
Construction of a spanning tree with many leaves.
(in Russian) Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI p. 31-46, 2010.
(translated into English by Springer in ``Journal of Mathematical Sciences'').
Technical reports
- N. Gravin, D. Nguyen, D. Pasechnik, S. Robins.
The Inverse Moment problem for convex polytopes: implementation aspects.
PhD Theses
- Thesis at PDMI (in Russian). Some aspects of proper graph colouring.
- Thesis at NTU. Incentive Compatible Design of Reverse Auctions.