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Shanin N.A.

Передача петербургского радио
посвященная 80-летию Николая Александровича Шанина.

В передаче участвовали Григорий Минц, Эдуард Караваев, Владимир Лифшиц, Ольга Антонова. Ведущая Наталья Милях.
Файл в формате mp3.

Photos sent by Prof. Dimiter Skordev from Bulgaria.

From: Anil Nerode - Math Prof - Dir MSI
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 08:58:33 -0400
Subject: My Best Wishes

To Prof. Shanin, who was the principal researcher and leader in constructive analysis for much of his career. My best wishes for a long and healthy life.
Anil Nerode

From: Patrick Cegielski
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 19:20:26 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Happy Birthday to Prof Shanin

with our very best Happy Birthday Wishes
irene guessarian patrick cegielski

From: Yuri Gurevich
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 08:26:50 +0400
Subject: Greetings

Dear Nikolay Alexandrovich,
Happy Birthday and many happy returns. I am delighted by this opportunity to show my respect for you. Even though I always was ideologically (and geographically) far from you (almost as far as it gets) and even though I have never caught the bug of constructivism, I was -- as all Soviet logicians of my generation -- much influenced by you. Your honesty and your courage (scientific and otherwise) have been an inspiration. Your passion for the foundations of mathematics and your enthusiasm were truly contagious.
I am sorry for being unable to attend the celebration in person and shake your hand. Best wishes and warmest regards,
Yuri Gurevich

From: Michael Abram Taitslin, Professor, Head of Computer Science Department, Tver State University, Russia
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 16:13:39 +0400 (MSD)
Subject: To N.A.Shanins birthday!!

Dear Nikolai Alexandrovich,
your energy and your enthusiasm in propaganda your ideas are unprecedented. You constructed a biggest scientist school and produced a biggest income in Science.
Happy birthday to you!!
Many happy returns of the day!
I wish you good health, good luck, many successes.
Have a good year!
Yours, M.A.Taitslin

From: Leonid Levin
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 00:26:55 +0400
Subject: Greetings

Dorogoy Nikolai Alexandrovich !
Mne okazaloc' ne suzhdeno ychavstvovat' v prazdnovanii Vashego yubileya, prazdnike Peterburgskikh logikov - pervoy v Rossii "logicheskoy shkoly s chelovecheskim litsom". Ya ochen' rad etoy vozmozhnosti vyrazit', khotia by zaochno, moyo prekloneniye pered Vashey schedroy i besstrashnoy lichnost'yu i neobyknovennym talantom. Ya zhivo pomniu Vashu tviorduyu ruku pomoshchy v trudnye dlia menia vremena: chem opasneye byla pomoshch, tem tviorzhe ruka. Ya dumayu chto Vash uspekh v sozdanii vsemirno izvestnoy shkoly sviazan ne tol'ko s Vashym matematicheskim talantom no i s temi chuvstvami kotorye Vy neizmenno vyzyvaly v okruzhayushchikh.
V molodosti ya ne mog vpolne otsenit' Vashy matematicheskiye printsypy. Ya interesovalsia imi kak gruppoy interesnykh zadach, no sam priderzhivalsia "pluralizma". My dazhe shutili chto konstruktivism sostoit v isskusstve govorit' "ne mozhet ne sushchestvovat'" vmesto "sushchestvuyet". Teper' ya i bol'shynstvo drugikh issledovateley v moyey oblasti stoyat na, pozhaluy, yeshcho boleye radikal'noy tochke zreniya chem konstruktivizm, sistematicheski ignoriruya ne tol'ko beskonechnye, no i prosto ochen' bol'shye velichiny, kak naprimer 2^{300}. Algorithmy trebuyushchiye exponentsial'nogo vremeni dazhe algorithmami ne shchitayutsa. Trudnosti v nakhozhdenii udobnogo yazyka iskliuchayushchego takiye konstruktsii otoshly na vtoroy plan kogda "yazykovaya" chast' logiki perestala byt' dominiruyushchey. Ya uveren chto ne tol'ko Vashy positivnye idei, no i Vasha razborchivost' v dopustimykh sredstvakh bydet prodolzhat' nakhodit' predannykh posledovateley. I eto kasayetsa ne tol'ko matematicheskikh sredstv!
Razreshyte zhe mne ot vsego serdtsa obniat' Vas i pozhelat' chtoby yeshcho mnogo let Vy sluzhili tsentrom pritiazhenia Vashey prekrasnoy Leningradskoy shkoly! Izdaleka, no s liubov'yu,
-Leonid Levin.
Boston University

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