On special extensions of topological spaces (in Russian)
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 38 (1943), 7-11.
On separability in topological spaces (in Russian).
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 38 (1943), 188-192.
On the theory of bicompact extensions of topological spaces (in Russian).
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 38 (1943), 166-169.
On imbedding in a power of topological space (in Russian).
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat., 8 (1944), 233-242.
A theorem from the general theory of sets (in Russian).
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 53 (1946), 399-400.
On intersections of open subsets in the product of topological spaces (in Russian)
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 53 (1946), 503-506.
On the product of topological spaces (in Russian)
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 53 (1946), 595-598.
On dyadic bicompacts (in Russian)
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 53 (1946), 785-788.
On the product of topological spaces (in Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, Academy of Sciencies of the USSR, 24 (1948), 1-112.
On subsets of the set of natural numbers, that have density. (in Russian)
Mat. Sbornik, 31 (73) (1952), 367-380.
On some operations with logical-arithmetical formulas.(in Russian)
C.R. (Dokl.) Akad. Sciencies USSR, 93 (1953), 779-782.
On imbedding of the classical logical-arithmetical calculus into constructive logical-arithmetical calculus. (in Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 94 (1954), 193-196.
On some logical problems of arithmetics. (in Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, Academy of Sciencies of the USSR, 43 (1955),
Some problems of mathematical analysis in view of constructive logic.
Z. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen der Math., 2 (1956), 27-36.
On constructive understanding of mathematical judgements. (in Russian)
Proc.III All-Union mat. Conference, vol. 1, Moscow (1956), 189-190.
On constructive mathematical analysis (in Russian)
Proc.3 All-Union mat. Conference, vol. 2, Moscow (1956), 69-71.
On constructive understanding of mathematical judgements. (in Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, Academy of Sciencies of the USSR, 52 (1958),
On an algorithm of constructive decoding of mathematical judgments.
Z. Math. Logic Grundlagen Math., 4:4 (1958), 293-303.
On linear constructive functionals in the constructive Hilbert space.
Z. Math. Logic Grundlagen Math., 5:1 (1959), 1-8.
Constructive real numbers and constructive function spaces. (in Russian)
Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklov, 67 (1962), 15-294,
translated into English in 1968 .
Constructive mathematical analysis. (with A.A. Markov, I.D. Zaslavsky and G.S. Tseitin, in Russian)
Proc. 4 All-Union Mat. Conference, 1 (1963), 198.
Concerning the constructive interpretation of auxiliary formulae,I. (in Russian)
Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklov, 72 (1964), 348-397, translated
into English in 1972 .
An algorithm for a machine scan of a natural logical deduction in a
propositional calculus. (with Davidov G.V.,
Maslov S.J., Minc G.E., Orevkov V.P. and Slisenko A.O, in Russian)
Academy of Sciencies of the USSR, Steklov Mat. Inst., Leningrad department,
"Nauka", Moscow (1965), pp1-40.
Peculiarities of constructive mathematical analysis. (with Tsejtin G. S. and Zaslavskij I.D., in Russian)
Mezhdunar. Kongr. Mat., Moskva, (1966), 253-261, translated
into English in 1968.
Peculiarities of constructive mathematical analysis. (with Tsejtin G. S. and Zaslavskij I.D.)
American Math. Soc., Transl., II. Ser., 70, 16-25 (1968),
translated from Trudy Mezhdunar. Kongr. Mat., Moskva, 1966.
Constructive real numbers and constructive function spaces.
Translations of Mathematical Monographs. 21. Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc.,
IV, 325p (1968), translated from Russian original, published in 1962.
On recursive mathematical analysis and R.L. Goodstein calculus of equalities. (in Russian)
In the book by R.L.Goodstein "Recursive mathematical analysis", Moscow, Nauka
(1970), pp 7-76.
On narrow constructive semantics of arithmetical judgments.
Commun. Indiv., Congress Intern. des Math., Nice, (1970), 2.
Conserning the constructive interpretation of auxiliary formulas.
Amer. Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2,
99 AMS, Providence, 1972, p 233-275, translated from Russian original, published in 1964.
On a hierarchy of methods of interpreting propositions in constructive
mathematics. (in Russian)
Trudy Math. Inst. Steklov, 129 (1973), 203-266,
translated into English in 1976.
A hierarchy of Brouwer constructive functionals.(in Russian)
Zap. Nauchn. Semin. Lening. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklov, 40 (1974),
142-147, translated into English in 1977.
On the quantifier of limiting realizability.
Journal of Mathematiacl Sciences, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1565-1572.
Translated from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. Lening. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklov,
60 (1976), 209-220,
translated into English in 1980.
On a hierarchy of methods of interpreting propositions in constructive
Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 209-271 (1976), translated from Russian original, published in 1973.
On the quantifier of limiting realizability.
Proc. of Symposium. Set. theory, Foundations of mathematics. Beograd (1977),
Mathematics and philosophy.
Proc. of Symposium. Set. theory, Foundations of mathematics. Beograd (1977),
A hierarchy of Brouwer constructive functionals.
J. Sov. Math. 8, 345-348 (1977) [ISSN 0090-4104], translated from Russian original, published in 1974.
On canonical recursive functions and operations.
( in Russian)
Zapiski Nauchn. Semin. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Steklova, 88 (1979),
218-235, translated into English in 1982.
The Notion of canonical recursive function as an alternative to the notion
of recursive program. (in Russian)
5th All-Union conference on mathematical logic. Novosibirsk (1979), 164.
On the quantifier of limiting realizability.
J. Sov. Math. 14, 1565-1572 (1980) [ISSN 0090-4104], translated from Russian original, published in 1976.
Role of the notion of algorithm in arithmetic language semantics.
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 122 (1981), Russian version was published in 1982.
On semantically simple variants of constructive mathematical analysis.(in Russian)
8th All-Union conference "Logic and methodology of science." Section "Logic
and foundations of mathematics". Vilnius (1982), 99-104.
Role of a notion of algorithm in the semantics of arithmetic languages (in Russian)
Algorithms in modern mathematics, II, Mater. Int. Symp., (Urgench/ UzSSR, 1979, Novosibirsk, 1982), 147-180, English version was published in 1981.
On majorization of theorems of constructive mathematics by semantically
simple propositions.
Short communications (Abstracts). 1. Section Math. logic and foundations of
mathematics. Warszawa: ICM. (1982), 21.
Canonical recursive fuunctions and operations.
J. Sov. Math. 20, 2381-2390 (1982) [ISSN 0090-4104], translated from Russian original, published in 1979.
Ob "algoritmicheskom podtekste" teorii mnozhestv s klassicheskim
kvantorom sushchestvovanija.
(in Russian)
III conference "Usage of Methods of mathematical logic". Tallinn (1983),
On finitization of mathematical analysis. (in Russian)
7th All-Union conference on mathematical logic. Novosibirsk (1984), 198-199.
On finitary development of mathematical analysis on the base of Euler's notion of function. (in Russian)
7th international congress on logic, methodology and philosophy of science.
Abstracts. Moscow 1 (1987), p 60-63.
Finitary version of the notion of generalized function.
Intern. conf. on comp. logic (COLOG-88). Abstracts. Tallinn 1 (1988),
Georg Cantor as the author of constructions that play fundamental roles in constructive mathematics
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 87, no. 1, 1997. Translated from
Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Sankt-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (POMI), 220(1995), Issled. po
konstrukt. Mat. i mat Logike. 1 IX, p 5-22, 145.
On procedure approach to explanation of sence of judgements.
(in Russian)
5th national scientific conference "Modern logic: problems of theory, history
and usage in science", St. Petersburg, 1998,
p 415-421.
A sketch of a finitary version of mathematical analysis. (in Russian)
Preprint POMI
[ Full text:
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On a finitary version of mathematical analysis.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, v. 113, no. 1-3, 2001, pp. 261-295.
On base representations of finitary mathematics.
Methods of Logic in Mathematics, III. Abstracts. P. 14-16. St. Petersburg, 2006.