Sergey Nikolenko

Sergey Nikolenko

Main page

Research papers
Talks and posters
Popular science
Other stuff

CS and crypto
Machine learning
Algebraic geometry
Bayesian networks
Earth sciences

Game Theory, HSE
Mech. Design, HSE
ML, CSClub Kazan
Game theory, HSE
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, STC
Machine learning, AU
Discrete math, HSE
Machine learning, STC
Math. logic, AU
Cryptography, AU
Machine learning, STC
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning II, AU
Machine learning, AU
Machine learning, EMC
Cryptography, AU
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, AU
Math. logic, AU
Machine learning, AU
Cryptography, AU
Crypto in CS Club
Machine learning, AU
Speech recognition
MD for CS Club
ML for CS Club
Mechanism design
Machine Learning
Probabilistic learning

  External links
Google Scholar profile
DBLP profile
LiveJournal account
userinfonikolenko (in Russian)

Teaching activities


This course is presented in the fall of 2011 at the St. Petersburg Academic University as part of the Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science.

1. Introduction. The subject and history of cryptography. Cryptographic attacks. Cryptographic primitives: hash functions, secret key, and public key protocols.
Slides (.pdf, 2184kb)
2-3. Secret key cryptography. Block ciphers: ECB, CBC, CFB, and OFB. Message authenticity codes. Secret key cryptography via hash functions.
Slides (.pdf, 1906kb)
4. Stream ciphers: synchronous and asynchronous codes, pseudorandom sequences, pn-sequences, LFSRs, linear complexity, non-linear shift registers.
Slides (.pdf, 536kb)
5-6. Euclid's algorithm for polynomials, reconstructing rational functions, learning LFSRs. Reed-Solomon codes.
See Chapter 17 of A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra
7. Key agreement protocols. Diffie-Hellman. AKEP. Shamir's protocol. Otway–Rees protocol. Kerberos. Needham–Shroeder protocol. X.509. Attacks: man-in-the-middle, reflection, interleaving, misplaced trust. Key distribution. Secret sharing.
Slides (.pdf, 4776kb)
8. Factoring. Fermat's method. Kraitchik's method. Smooth numbers, their distribution. Quadratic sieve and its complexity. Solving linear systems: Wiedemann's algorithm.
Slides (.pdf, 647kb)
9. Discrete logarithm. O(sqrt(n))-methods: Pollard's rho and Pollard's lambda. Index calculus: main idea and the first two phases.
Slides (.pdf, 625kb)
10. Index calculus: third phase and complexity bound.
Slides (.pdf, 1226kb)
11. Elliptic curves: basic definitions, singular and nonsingular curves, projective plane and projective curves. Resultants.
See, e.g., J.S. Milne, Elliptic Curves.
12. Intersection numbers. Bezout's theorem. The group law on the elliptic curves.
See, e.g., J.S. Milne, Elliptic Curves.
13. Lenstra's ECM algorithm.
14. Quantum computing: basics. Entanglement, interference, parallelism. Deutsch-Jozsa problem. Quantum Fourier transform. Shor's algorithm.
Slides (.pdf, 461kb)
15. Noncommutative cryptography: groups in cryptography, Ko-Lee protocol, Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld protocol. Braid groups. Attacks: length-based attacks and linearization.
Slides (.pdf, 482kb)