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Sergey Nikolenko

Sergey Nikolenko

Main pageBooks'; print '
Research papers'; print '
Talks and posters'; print '
Students'; print '
Popular science'; print '
Other stuff'; print '

   Research'; print '
CS and crypto'; print '
Bioinformatics'; print '
Machine learning'; print '
Algebraic geometry'; print '
Algebra'; print '
Bayesian networks'; print '
Earth sciences'; print '

   Teaching'; print '
 2014'; print '
ML, KFU'; print '
Game Theory, HSE'; print '
Mech. Design, HSE'; print '
ML, CSClub Kazan'; print '
Game theory, HSE'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
 2013'; print '
Discrete math, HSE'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
 2012'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning II, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Machine learning, EMC'; print '
 2011'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
 2010'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
 2009'; print '
Crypto in CS Club'; print '
Statistics'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Cryptography'; print '
 2008'; print '
Speech recognition'; print '
MD for CS Club'; print '
ML for CS Club'; print '
Mechanism design'; print '
 2007'; print '
Machine Learning'; print '
Probabilistic learning'; print '

  External links'; print '
Google Scholar profile'; print '
DBLP profile'; print '
LiveJournal account
userinfonikolenko (in Russian)

Other stuff

Popular science

Popular articles. In 2005–2006, I did a cycle on Millenium Prize problems in Computerra, a popular computer journal in Russia. For the last two years, I have been doing a series on recommender systems and probabilistic models in general under the aegis of Surfingbird at the Surfingbird blog on habrahabr.ru. All papers here are in Russian.


  1. Probabilistic Models: Coping with Cycles and Variational Approximations, Surfingbird blog, Aug 2, 2013.
  2. Probabilistic Models: the Art of Bracketing, Surfingbird blog, July 4, 2013.
  3. Probabilistic Models: Examples and Graphs, Surfingbird blog, Apr 25, 2013.
  4. Probabilistic Models: Bayesian Networks, Surfingbird blog, Apr 12, 2013.
  5. Discrete Mathematics for Freshmen: a Teacher's Perspective, Surfingbird blog, Mar 4, 2013.
  6. Multiarmed bandits: the Dynamic Gamma-Poisson model, Surfingbird blog, Feb 15, 2013.
  7. Multiarmed bandits: introduction and the UCB algorithm, Surfingbird blog, Feb 7, 2013.


  8. Recommender Systems: LDA, Surfingbird blog, Aug 31, 2012.
  9. Recommender Systems: Bayes theorem and naive Bayes, Surfingbird blog, Aug 26, 2012.
  10. Genomics: Problem Setting and Sequencing, PostNauka, May 16, 2012.
  11. Recommender Systems: Overfitting and Regularization, Surfingbird blog, May 10, 2012.
  12. Recommender Systems: SVD in Perl, Surfingbird blog, Apr 12, 2012.
  13. Recommender Systems: SVD and Base Predictors, Surfingbird blog, Mar 29, 2012.
  14. Recommender Systems: SVD, Part I, Surfingbird blog, Mar 15, 2012.
  15. Recommender Systems: User-Based and Item-Based, Surfingbird blog, Mar 06, 2012.
  16. Recommender Systems: Problem Setting, Surfingbird blog, Feb 28, 2012.


  17. Truth in Mathematics: from Egypt to... Egypt?, Znanie – Sila, no. 6, 2008, pp. 63–69.


  18. Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Computerra, no. 31, 2006.
  19. Millenium Prize Problems: Yang-Mills Theory, Computerra, no. 20, 2006.
  20. Millenium Prize Problems: P=?NP, Computerra, no. 6, 2006.
  21. Millenium Prize Problems: Poincaré Conjecture, Computerra, no 1–2, 2006.


  22. Millenium Prize Problems: Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, Computerra, no. 47–48, 2005.
  23. Millenium Prize Problems: Hodge Conjecture, Computerra, no. 37, 2005.
  24. Millenium Prize Problems: Navier-Stokes Equations, Computerra, no. 36, 2005.
  25. Millenium Prize Problems: Riemann Hypothesis, Computerra, no. 35, 2005.
  26. Complexity: Theory and Practice, Computerra, no. 31, 2005.