'; print ''; ?>

Sergey Nikolenko

Sergey Nikolenko

Main pageBooks'; print '
Research papers'; print '
Talks and posters'; print '
Students'; print '
Popular science'; print '
Other stuff'; print '

   Research'; print '
CS and crypto'; print '
Bioinformatics'; print '
Machine learning'; print '
Algebraic geometry'; print '
Algebra'; print '
Bayesian networks'; print '
Earth sciences'; print '

   Teaching'; print '
 2014'; print '
ML, KFU'; print '
Game Theory, HSE'; print '
Mech. Design, HSE'; print '
ML, CSClub Kazan'; print '
Game theory, HSE'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
 2013'; print '
Discrete math, HSE'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
 2012'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning II, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Machine learning, EMC'; print '
 2011'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
 2010'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
 2009'; print '
Crypto in CS Club'; print '
Statistics'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Cryptography'; print '
 2008'; print '
Speech recognition'; print '
MD for CS Club'; print '
ML for CS Club'; print '
Mechanism design'; print '
 2007'; print '
Machine Learning'; print '
Probabilistic learning'; print '

  External links'; print '
Google Scholar profile'; print '
DBLP profile'; print '
LiveJournal account
userinfonikolenko (in Russian)

Teaching activities

Cryptography for the Computer Science Club

This course is presented in the «Computer Science Club» in the fall of 2009.

The course itself (all slides are in Russian):

1. Introduction. The subject and history of cryptography. Cryptographic attacks. Cryptographic primitives: hash functions, secret key, and public key protocols.
Slides (.pdf, 2349kb)
2. Secret key cryptography. Stream ciphers: LFSR, linear complexity, non-linear shift registers. Block ciphers: ECB, CBC, CFB, and OFB. Message authenticity codes. Secret key cryptography via hash functions.
Slides (.pdf, 2574kb)
3. Number theory fundamentals. Public key cryptography. RSA. Rabin's cryptosystem.
Slides (.pdf, 1030kb)
4. Public key cryptosystems: easy problems in NP-hard disguise. Error-correcting codes and the McEliece cryptosystem. Subset sum problems and the Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem.
Slides (.pdf, 1741kb)
5. Lattices. Gram-Schmidt ortogonalization. LLL-reduced bases. The LLL algorithm. Attacks on the low density Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem and the low public exponent RSA. Lattice-based cryptography: Ajtai's construction.
Slides (.pdf, 1667kb)