Sergey Nikolenko Main page Books Research papers Talks and posters Students Popular science Other stuff Research CS and crypto Bioinformatics Machine learning Algebraic geometry Algebra Bayesian networks Earth sciences Teaching 2014 ML, KFU Game Theory, HSE Mech. Design, HSE ML, CSClub Kazan Game theory, HSE Math. logic, AU Machine learning, STC Machine learning, AU 2013 Discrete math, HSE Machine learning, STC Math. logic, AU Cryptography, AU 2012 Machine learning, STC Math. logic, AU Machine learning II, AU Machine learning, AU Machine learning, EMC 2011 Cryptography, AU Math. logic, AU Machine learning, AU 2010 Math. logic, AU Machine learning, AU Cryptography, AU 2009 Crypto in CS Club Statistics Machine learning, AU Cryptography 2008 Speech recognition MD for CS Club ML for CS Club Mechanism design 2007 Machine Learning Probabilistic learning External links Google Scholar profile DBLP profile LiveJournal account
nikolenko (in Russian) |  |
Bioinformatics |
Starting in 2011, I've been working on bioinformatics as part of the Algorithmic Biology Lab
at the St. Petersburg Academic University under the supervision of
Prof. Pavel Pevzner.
- S.I. Nikolenko, A.I. Korobeynikov, M.A. Alekseyev. BayesHammer: Bayesian clustering for error correction in single-cell sequencing. BMC Genomics, vol. 14, Suppl. 1, S7, 2013 (open access).
- I.I. Chernyavsky, T. Alexandrov, P. Maass, S.I. Nikolenko. A Two-Step Soft Segmentation Procedure for MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data.
Proceedings of the 18th German Conference in Bioinformatics (GCB-2012), OASIcs vol. 26, 2012, pp. 39–48. (.pdf, 2582kb)
- I.I. Chernyavsky, T. Alexandrov, S.I. Nikolenko. Segmentation of MALDI imaging results based on graphical models. SPIIRAS Proceedings, vol. 21, 2012, pp. 120–142. (.pdf, 1251kb, in Russian)
- A. Bankevich, S. Nurk, D. Antipov, A.A. Gurevich, M. Dvorkin, A.S. Kulikov,
V.M. Lesin, S.I. Nikolenko, S. Pham, A.D. Prjibelski, A.V. Pyshkin, A.V. Sirotkin,
N. Vyahhi, G. Tesler, M.A. Alekseyev, and P.A. Pevzner.
SPAdes: A New Genome Assembly Algorithm and Its Applications to Single-Cell Sequencing.
Journal of Computational Biology, May 2012, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 455–477.
Talks and posters
- S.I. Nikolenko. SPAdes: a new genome assembler for single-cell sequencing. RECOMB-AB, August 27, 2012, talk (slightly different from the previous one). (.pdf, 6232kb)
- S.I. Nikolenko. B4B Chapter Proposal: Evolutionary History of Repeats. RECOMB-BE, August 26, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 436kb)
- S.I. Nikolenko. SPAdes: a new genome assembler for single-cell sequencing. A symposium to launch the Theodosius Dobzhansky Center for Genome Informatics, April 28, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 5019kb)
- S.I. Nikolenko. Hammer 2.0: Bayesian error correction for non-uniform coverage. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB'11), July 24, 2011, talk.
- S.I. Nikolenko, M. Alekseyev, P. Pevzner. Bayesian Evaluation of de novo Genome Assembly. ISMB/ECCB 2011, poster.
- A. Krass, S.I. Nikolenko, E. Stepanov, Yu. Porozov. Protein conformational movements modeling based on the average action principle. ISMB/ECCB 2011, poster (F1000 link).
- M. Churakov, S.I. Nikolenko, Yu. Porozov. Predicting DNA Replication Origins with Machine Learning Techniques. ISMB/ECCB 2011, poster.