'; print ''; ?>

Sergey Nikolenko

Sergey Nikolenko

Main pageBooks'; print '
Research papers'; print '
Talks and posters'; print '
Students'; print '
Popular science'; print '
Other stuff'; print '

   Research'; print '
CS and crypto'; print '
Bioinformatics'; print '
Machine learning'; print '
Algebraic geometry'; print '
Algebra'; print '
Bayesian networks'; print '
Earth sciences'; print '

   Teaching'; print '
 2014'; print '
ML, KFU'; print '
Game Theory, HSE'; print '
Mech. Design, HSE'; print '
ML, CSClub Kazan'; print '
Game theory, HSE'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
 2013'; print '
Discrete math, HSE'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
 2012'; print '
Machine learning, STC'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning II, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Machine learning, EMC'; print '
 2011'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
 2010'; print '
Math. logic, AU'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Cryptography, AU'; print '
 2009'; print '
Crypto in CS Club'; print '
Statistics'; print '
Machine learning, AU'; print '
Cryptography'; print '
 2008'; print '
Speech recognition'; print '
MD for CS Club'; print '
ML for CS Club'; print '
Mechanism design'; print '
 2007'; print '
Machine Learning'; print '
Probabilistic learning'; print '

  External links'; print '
Google Scholar profile'; print '
DBLP profile'; print '
LiveJournal account
userinfonikolenko (in Russian)

Talks and posters

This section contains slides and posters of my presentations made at various conferences.


  1. S.I. Nikolenko. Measuring Topic Quality in Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014 (PhML-2014), St. Petersburg, April 25, 2014, talk (.pdf, 762kb)
  2. S.I. Nikolenko. Recommender Systems. SNA Hackathon at Mail.Ru, April 19, 2014, talk (.pdf, 451kb)


  3. S.I. Nikolenko. Nonparametric Bayesian Methods: Chinese Restaurant and Indian Buffet. Lectures at Mail.Ru, December 18, 2013, talk (.pdf, 2142kb)
  4. S.I. Nikolenko. Recommender systems. HSE presentation at Gimnasium #2, St. Petersburg, December 10, 2013, talk (.pdf, 1181kb)
  5. S.I. Nikolenko. Interval Semi-Supervised LDA: Classifying Needles in a Haystack. 12th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2013), November 27, 2013, talk (.pdf, 997kb)
  6. S.I. Nikolenko. Efficient Demand Assignment in Multi-Connected Microgrids with a Shared Central Grid. 3rd IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability 2013 (SustainIT 2013), October 31, 2013, poster. (.pdf, 462kb)
  7. S.I. Nikolenko. Semi-Supervised Tag Extraction in a Web Recommender Systems. 6th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2013), October 3, 2013, talk (.pdf, 550kb)
  8. S.I. Nikolenko. Switching Policies for Packets with Heterogeneous Processing: Lazy but Competitive. Bonn Institute of Computer Science seminar, University of Bonn, May 28, 2013, talk.


  9. S.I. Nikolenko. FIFO Queueing Policies for Packets with Heterogeneous Processing. 1st Mediterranean Conference on Algorithms (MedAlg 2012), December 3, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 988kb)
  10. S.I. Nikolenko. How Laziness Helps Prove Upper Bounds. Network Agora seminar at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, December 2, 2012, talk (.pdf, 1385kb)
  11. S.I. Nikolenko. Recommender Systems. Mail.Ru Group, October 11, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 1363kb)
  12. S.I. Nikolenko. SPAdes: a new genome assembler for single-cell sequencing. RECOMB-AB, August 27, 2012, talk (slightly different from the previous one). (.pdf, 6232kb)
  13. S.I. Nikolenko. B4B Chapter Proposal: Evolutionary History of Repeats. RECOMB-BE, August 26, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 436kb)
  14. S.I. Nikolenko. SPAdes: a new genome assembler for single-cell sequencing. A symposium to launch the Theodosius Dobzhansky Center for Genome Informatics, April 28, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 5019kb)
  15. S.I. Nikolenko. Continuous hard-to-invert functions based on tropical constructions. Symbolic Computations and Post-Quantum Cryptography Online Seminar, April 05, 2012, talk. (.pdf, 476kb)


  16. S.I. Nikolenko, A.V. Sirotkin. A New Bayesian Rating System for Team Competitions. ICML 2011, July 1, 2013, talk (.pdf, 952kb); see also poster (.pdf, 105kb)
  17. S.I. Nikolenko. A group-based combinatorial complete one-way function. First Russian-Finnish Symposium on Discrete Mathematics, September 22, 2011, talk.
  18. S.I. Nikolenko. Hammer 2.0: Bayesian error correction for non-uniform coverage. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB'11), July 24, 2011, talk.
  19. S.I. Nikolenko, M. Alekseyev, P. Pevzner. Bayesian Evaluation of de novo Genome Assembly. ISMB/ECCB 2011, poster.
  20. A. Krass, S.I. Nikolenko, E. Stepanov, Yu. Porozov. Protein conformational movements modeling based on the average action principle. ISMB/ECCB 2011, poster (F1000 link).
  21. M. Churakov, S.I. Nikolenko, Yu. Porozov. Predicting DNA Replication Origins with Machine Learning Techniques. ISMB/ECCB 2011, poster.
  22. S.I. Nikolenko. Fuzzy cryptography. Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography, June 12, 2011, talk.


  23. S.I. Nikolenko. Feebly secure cryptographic primitives. Workshop on Complexity and Group-based Cryptography, September 2, 2010, talk.